Monday, August 1, 2011

Surprise, Surprise!

     Well, in case there is any chance that you haven't actually heard the news, I'm pregnant!  It's officially real!  Scary.  I'm due in February and avoiding sharing the actual date so I don't get too much pressure when it actually comes around and start freaking out because it hasn't happened on that day.  I'm letting this little one take the time it needs, within reason of course, and let them tell me when they are ready.  I've started seeing a midwife who is also a naturopath and the goal is a natural water birth at home.  I'm excited, nervous, and anxious all at the same time.  Our lives are going to be changing drastically within the next year.  If you want to read about how I found out and how I told my hubby check out this post on my regular blog.

     I will still be using this blog as much as possible to relay my hopes and fears of getting pregnant and becoming a mommy.  Believe me, there are a plenty.  I'll also be documenting my visits with my midwife, the things we talk about and cover, why I'll be choosing some tests over others.  Posting on both blogs will be difficult though, so don't be surprised if I just end up posting a link to a post every once in awhile.  Anywho, I'm feeling very blessed and have really appreciated the lovely words of Congratulations from everyone who has spotted our news. 

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